About the project
- To improve the students and teachers behavior concerning the problem of saving energy;
- To improve students and teachers knowledge about regenerating energy at a local, national and European level;
- To support the concept of long life learning;
- To strength the role of lifelong learning in developing active European citizenship based on understanding, respect, tolerance, participation, environmental responsibility;
- To improve the communication skills, both for students and teachers, including in foreign languages (especially English);
- project meetings;
- seminars, conferences, information sessions, workshops;
- researches, studies;
- making promotional materials (the folder "Simple ways for saving energy", the poster "Save energy");
- publications (the booklet "Energy, lifestyles and climate");
- developing the project web-site;
- contests;
- linguistic preparation of the personnel involved in the project;
- activities of dissemination and valorization of the project;
- activities of monitoring and evaluation of the project;
The project's impact on students:
- knowing the effects of using conventional sources of energy over the environment;
- improvement the knowledge concerning the renewable energy's potential at the local, national and European level;
- knowing the advantages of using renewable energies;
- production of some small changes concerning the saving of energy in daily life;
- growth of the learning motivation;
- improvement of the methodological, digital, social, linguistic abilities;
- improvement of the knowledge about partners' culture;
- awareness of European citizenship;
- improvement of the knowledge about the project's theme;
- making some small changes concerning the saving of energy in the daily life;
- improvement of the organizational and managerial competencies;
- improvement of the teaching competencies at the subjects involved in the project;
- improvement of the linguistic, digital, social abilities;
- increasing the motivation to involve in new activities;
- development of the knowledge about the civilization and educational system of other European countries;
- integration of the project in the school's developing plan;
- improvement of the connection with the local community;
- development and consolidation of European dimension of educational activity through promoting some European values as the concern towards the environment and the responsibilities for the future generations;
- improvement the cooperation between teachers and between teachers and students;
- improvement the participation of parents in the school's activities;
- increasing the school's prestige in the local community;
- increasing the quality of the educational act at the subjects involved in the project;
- increasing the interest for the environment's problems as a result of the spreading of the right message according to which for a durable future it is necessary to save energy and renewable sources of energy to be used;
- production of some small changes concerning the saving of energy, among parents and the representatives of the local community;
- improvement of the cooperation with other schools and local institutions;
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.